
Why routine roof maintenance is important

By Kirsten Land / December 1, 2020

If you’ve ever gone through the headache of roofing issues, you probably know how in-depth and costly it can be, especially if you don’t perform routine roof maintenance. Our routine roof maintenance program acts as a preventative action to ensure your roof is protected, looks great, and has an extended life. How often should you…

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Are gutter guards worth the money?

By Kirsten Land / November 17, 2020

Tired of dealing with clogged gutters? Do you have to clean your gutters several times a year? Gutter guards are designed to prevent clogging and reduce the frequency of gutter cleaning. Before making this investment for your home, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Let’s look at the benefits of gutter guards and…

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Honoring Brian Land with a commemorative logo

By Kirsten Land / November 3, 2020

Brian Land wore many hats. He was a dedicated business owner, the founder of Land Enterprises Roofing, a respected Oklahoma contractor, and a devoted family man. My husband passed away in March 2019, but his memory continues to live on. In an effort to honor his memory, we have created a commemorative logo showcasing Brian’s…

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What does a home inspector do?

By Kirsten Land / October 20, 2020

Home inspectors play a pivotal role in buying and selling homes. They identify potential safety risks on the property and ensure that buyers are fully informed before purchasing. I interviewed Dale McCullock, founder and CEO of Assurance Inspection Services, to find out more about the home inspection process.

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How Kirsten Land’s role at Land Enterprises Roofing has changed

By Kirsten Land / October 6, 2020

It’s been a year and a half since my husband Brian Land passed away. It feels like a decade of changes have been condensed into that small timeframe. Yet it’s also like nothing has changed at all. Land Enterprises Roofing was Brian’s dream, his passion, and his legacy. I got to watch him build it from the ground up. Now I’m honored to carry on his namesake as the owner and face of the company.

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Is gutter damage included in roof insurance?

By Kirsten Land / September 15, 2020

Your roof got damaged in a hailstorm, and you’re getting it repaired or replaced. But the roof wasn’t the only thing that got damaged. Your gutters are now covered in dents and divots. Can you get new gutters with a new roof? Will your homeowners insurance cover gutter replacement?

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Does bad weather during roofing hurt your roof?

By Kirsten Land / September 1, 2020

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against rain and hail. As long as it remains in good shape, you’ll have no issues with water damage from above. If you’re getting a new roof or roof repair, you may be worried about Mother Nature. Can your roof still protect your home if the weather goes south mid-install? With Land Enterprises Roofing, it certainly will!

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Make sure your roofer is licensed

By Kirsten Land / August 18, 2020

If you get caught driving without a license, you’ll get in trouble. But what about roofing without a license? Can a roofing contractor roof a house without a license? It depends. Your state determines whether you need to have a license. And depending on the municipality, a company may have to get a permit. Not…

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What to check for when getting a new roof on a house you’re purchasing

By Kirsten Land / August 4, 2020

We recently had someone come to us and ask if we had any advice for them. They were purchasing a home and the seller was planning to put a new roof on before it sold. “Is there anything I need to know?” they said. There is. And there are plenty of other people in that…

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Roof ventilation basics

By Kirsten Land / July 21, 2020

If you live in Oklahoma, chances are your roof has ventilation problems. Unfortunately, many contractors don’t know how to install ventilation correctly. They add the wrong type of vents, too many or too few, or multiple types in different areas. Or even worse, they don’t add roof vents at all.

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Let's Talk

Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.