
Core value #2 is “Focus on Quality, both in service and product.” Quality was always very important to Brian, and we honor his legacy by keeping our focus on it today. Brian considered roofing a craftsman trade. He loved learning about the way a roof is constructed and the different kinds of materials needed to build a quality roofing system. He was a roofer himself for over 20 years and really understood how to properly install a roof and which materials were best to make a roof stand up to our Oklahoma weather.
Quality roofing products
Many of the roofing manufacturers wanted Brian and Land Enterprises to sell their products exclusively. We would receive many benefits from the manufacturer if we sold their products exclusively. Since Brian enjoyed learning about the different products on the market, he knew many great roofing material options were available for his customers.
Therefore, he couldn’t and didn’t want to sell only one manufacturer brand. He believed that each of his customers should have the option to purchase materials that worked best for their home.
Brian also insisted we only re-roof homes with the best underlayment materials and installation practices. We continue that tradition today with every house that we roof, even when it means less profit for us. He taught us that the quality of material and the way we installed it made a huge difference in whether we would need to return to do a repair in a few months or not.
He believed that a happy customer is one who doesn’t have to call us with a leak if their roof was recently worked on. Of course, if there is a leak, we will be right there to take care of it!
Quality customer service
Brian was known for his excellent customer service, and that is something we work hard to replicate every day. If he made a promise, he would honor it. That level of integrity is what put Land Enterprises Roofing on the map as a roofing company you can trust.
We work hard every day to keep and earn the trust of our clients by giving them excellent service from their first call to our office to the clean-up of their project. Every step from beginning to end is important to us. Our customers’ peace of mind is our priority!

Let's Talk
Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.