
Importance of gutter cleaning

Gloved hands cleaning gutters

In the many years that Land Enterprises Roofing has been in business, we have each had our own experiences in surprise gutter gunk. We’ve had instances when performing maintenance on different homes. We have found many interesting things in the gutters of people’s homes, such as leaves, plants, kids’ toys, baby snakes, and even a firecracker.

Being a homeowner can be stressful, especially when trying to keep up with your home’s maintenance. Many people aren’t aware that their gutters should be cleaned, when to clean them, or how often to clean them.

Reasons to clean your gutters

Cleaning your gutters isn’t just important; it’s necessary, especially when maintaining your home’s integrity. It’s always a good idea to routinely perform maintenance on your property, including roof, gutters, and more. This will save you both money and a headache in the future.

Improper or non-existent gutter cleaning can have detrimental effects on your home. Here are five reasons why you should clean your gutters:

  1. Nobody wants unwanted guests hiding in the cracks of their home, especially baby snakes.
  2. Your gutter system could fail if it becomes clogged, broken, or starts sagging.
  3. Water damage should concern every homeowner. Your gutters need to allow water to flow to prevent that water damage.
  4. Improper rain flow can cause water damage around the foundation and other structures of your home.
  5. Clean, properly operating gutters will extend your home’s integrity by eliminating long-term effects and concerns down the road.

At the end of the day, if you want your home to remain safe and problem-free, start with your gutters.

How to clean your gutters

You are most definitely allowed to clean and maintain your own gutters, but there are people out there who can do it for you, including our team at Land Roofing. Performing any maintenance on your home on your own poses safety risks. 

Cleaning your gutters typically requires you to climb a ladder onto your roof, which we don’t recommend. If you consider the time, energy, quality, and risks of cleaning your own gutters, it’s likely not worth it. Hiring someone who is experienced will be more beneficial in the end. 

We at Land Enterprises Roofing offer a routine maintenance program that can keep you up-to-date on your gutter maintenance and so much more. 


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