
Roofing Advice

Three easy ways to protect your roof

By Kirsten Land / April 21, 2015

Spring is upon us, which means it’s time to start thinking of home maintenance. We aren’t referring to sprucing up the interior with some new paint. We’re is talking about major defenses against the weather, especially for your roof!

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Protecting your foundation with gutters

By Kirsten Land / April 7, 2015

It’s spring time in Oklahoma! We’ve all heard the saying “April showers bring May flowers!” If you are a native to Oklahoma, you know that spring brings major storms our way. Spring is the best time to start thinking about home improvement to protect your home from the weather. The easiest way to protect your home’s foundation is to…

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Is your roof ready for spring?

By Kirsten Land / March 3, 2015

March is Roof Maintenance Month at Land Enterprises Roofing, and we’d like to offer a few tips for keeping your roof in tip-top shape this Spring and Summer. Regular maintenance not only helps ensure the roofing material manufacturer will honor their warranty, it can also extend the overall life of your roof.

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Roof tips for home buyers and sellers

By Kirsten Land / February 17, 2015

It’s a great time to start thinking about buying or selling a house. According to an article posted by the National Association of Realtors, Spring and Summer are the best seasons to sell a home. “Spring brings rain and flowers – and possibly extra green in the final sales price of your home.” Whether you’re selling or not, after extreme winter weather…

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The danger of covering your roof vents

By Kirsten Land / February 3, 2015

Many homes have “whirly bird” vents or turbine vents. These vents look like small windmills and spin. The reason they are on your roof is to provide the air exchange your home needs to remain comfortable and healthy. If you cover them, you can cause extremely expensive damage to your home!

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The danger of ice dams

By Kirsten Land / January 6, 2015

This winter is expected to be slightly more severe than last winter. We’re expecting a lot of snow fall in the coming months. But do you know what that kind of activity can do to your home? High winds and mounds of snow can leave you roof beaten and battered when spring arrives.

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How to choose a roofer

By Kirsten Land / November 4, 2014

Checking the yellow pages under “Roofing” really isn’t the best strategy for choosing a reputable roofer for your home. With the advent of the internet, any responsible home owner should do their research before signing a contract with a roofer. It’s your job to ensure the company you hire is reputable and capable of getting your roof done right the first time.

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Should you consider a metal roof?

By Kirsten Land / September 16, 2014

We certainly get our share of severe weather. With the amount of hail we get, many Oklahomans have to replace their roofs every 3-6 years. While insurance will usually cover most of the cost, this roof replacement cycle is a hassle and an annoyance. Metal roofs have a lot going for them in this regard.…

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Where To Go if You’re Frustrated with Your Roofing Insurance Claim: An Interview with Land Enterprises Roofing

By Kirsten Land / October 28, 2013

By Kristen Bosse, Chief Editor for, one of most popular real estate websites in Oklahoma

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How Do I Know When It Is Time To Replace My Roof?

By Kirsten Land / January 31, 2012

In Oklahoma, replacing your roof seems to happen following a hail storm.  In the past few years we have had some big hail storms making it easier to know whether or not you need a new roof.  Unless you have an impact resistant shingle or another type of system like metal roofing most composition shingles…

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Let's Talk

Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.