

Certified roofers


Choosing a reputable roofer can seem like a daunting task. There are so many roofers, and especially after a severe weather event, you’re likely to see signs all over town advertising different companies who are doing work even in your own neighborhood.

So, how do you decide?

HAAG certification

One way is to find out if a roofer is HAAG certified. HAAG certification is an option program for roofers and inspectors which increases their knowledge of determining and evaluating damage. It takes an investment of both time and money and must be renewed each year. In order to even qualify to take the courses, a roofer must have already completed 100 residential roof inspections.

What’s the benefit?

How does it benefit you to have a HAAG certified roofer?

Aside from additional knowledge, hiring a HAAG certified roofer can save you money. By learning to identify and properly evaluate damage, a HAAG certified roofer knows the difference between natural and manufactured damage. This affects whether you file a homeowner’s insurance claim, or a warranty claim.

Contact a roofer first

Many homeowners don’t realize that by filing a claim on your homeowners insurance – whether or not there are damages or repairs made – your rates can be affected. Contacting a roofer first can help you avoid an unnecessary claim on your homeowner’s policy. Contacting a HAAG certified roofer gives you a much better opportunity at having the damage evaluated properly.

If a roofer determines there is damage which should be covered by your warranty, then they just saved you from the expense of an unnecessary insurance claim. Proper evaluation of damage could also mean the difference between a repair and a full replacement of your roof. Both of these examples have a significant difference in cost: warranty vs insurance claim; repair vs. replacement.

Land Roofing & HAAG certification

At Land Roofing, we have found great value in HAAG certification and receiving the training each year. We also work closely with our real estate agents and other partners to offer free inspections for any home getting ready to go on the market. These inspections can go a long way to save both headache and financial cost along the way.

As you’re deciding what roofing company to use, be sure to make sure it’s local and licensed, but also HAAG certified. This helps ensure you’re hiring a reputable roofer.


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Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.