Recently, Land Roofing Enterprises was asked to look at a home that was being sold. During our inspection, we found hail damage, which led to us calling their insurance adjuster. The adjusted responded with, “Yep, but we already paid out on this claim.”
Read MoreWe have made it through the freezing weather and a few winter storms, but now, it’s time to prepare for April showers. We have to prepare for the unexpected in Oklahoma because the weather can change within hours. The best way to prepare for storm season is to plan ahead of time, before storm season arrives, to save you any stress and last-minute scrambling.
Read MoreWhat does a roof inspector do during a typical workday? Whether it’s out of curiosity, for educational purposes, or something else, let’s take a look at what a typical day is like for a roof inspector—specifically, a Land roof inspector!
Read MoreWe at Land Enterprises cherish and appreciate the relationships we have built over the past two decades. One person, in particular, has been a great partner and friend of ours for a very long time. Andy Ortega, our roofing subcontractor with Ortega Roofing, has been around for at least 22 years. We can’t remember the exact year we started working together. That’s how long!
Read MoreHave you ever submitted a home insurance claim just for the insurance company to deny it? Talk about frustrating! Recently, we had a customer whose insurance claim was rejected, so they reached out to us for help. This made us realize that many homeowners don’t know when to file an insurance claim or what to do if that claim is denied.
Read MoreIt’s time for the great debate involving—you guessed it—spray foam insulation. Is it good? Does it suck? What’s it about? Let’s discuss it! Spray foam insulation is being used by many contractors to seal cracks and gaps and insulate your building, but is it the best option? First, we’ll talk about the advantages, and then…
Read MoreHave you ever found yourself overwhelmed and stressed over unexpected roofing problems? We get it. During these emergencies, many homeowners don’t know what to expect throughout the repair process, but we at Land have your back. Emergency? No problem A little back story: A few months ago, we headed over to a customer’s home because…
Read MoreOur 5th and final core value is “helping our customers by solving their problems with a forward thinking mindset.” This core value is important to us because it shows that we are always up for a challenge and finding the right solution for it. It also allows us to further work as a team.
Read MoreWe’ve talked a little bit about how Covid has affected the roofing industry, but we would love to discuss it in more detail. We have been in the pandemic for two years; businesses and manufacturers are still trying to figure out ways to work around the impact.
Read MoreOur core value #4 is, “Working together as a team doing our part, through trust in each other and the system.” Through the years, as we were building Land Enterprises, we developed a system that begins with the first phone call, continues to the final payment of a completed project, and includes all of the steps in between. We have worked tirelessly on our core system because customer service is one of our main focuses. We aim to please each and every customer, no matter the size of their project.
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Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.