

This roofing mistake can cost you

By Kirsten Land / July 4, 2017

After a hailstorm, the roofers come out looking for business. You’ll see many knocking on doors and leaving flyers or offering to check the roof for potential damage. But beware—some roofers, whether they’re scammers or simply inexperienced, can cause damage to your roof that your insurance company won’t pay to repair.

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Ventilation saves energy, discourages mold, and preserves warranties

By Kirsten Land / June 20, 2017

As the heat builds up this summer, your attic can get extremely hot. Did you know that there are calculations and codes that tell you how much ventilation your roof should have?

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Don’t let roof issues complicate selling your home

By Kirsten Land / June 6, 2017

Thinking about selling your home in the near future? If you are, and your roof needs repair or replacement, we recommend that you take care of those repairs before you put the house on the market.

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Why our business is really about people (not roofs)

By Kirsten Land / April 4, 2017

You’ve probably noticed how one act of kindness often leads to a chain reaction of kind acts.
It may not seem like that has much to do with a roofing business, but it does for us! Here’s one way we’ve seen that chain reaction in our business.

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How do you love your house? Let us count the ways.

By Kirsten Land / February 7, 2017

When was the last time you gave your house a Valentine? Yes, even houses need love, and this February you can give yours a special Valentine’s treat. Here are six things you can do this month for your house.

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Will your insurance cover a roof repair?

By Kirsten Land / January 17, 2017

Over the years, we’ve found that a lot of people don’t really know what their insurance policy covers when it comes to their roof. Unfortunately, that could be a financial land mine. Before you renew your property insurance…

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How to prevent ice dams

By Kirsten Land / January 3, 2017

Ice dams are a typical problem in states where heavy snow is commonplace. But even in Oklahoma, some winters bring favorable conditions for ice dams to form. Find out what causes ice dams, and what steps you can take to prevent them from damaging your home.

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Help keep your family safe from holiday crime

By Kirsten Land / December 20, 2016

The holiday season is an exciting time filled with family gatherings, traveling, shopping, gift-giving, and relaxing. It’s still important, however, to be careful during the holidays.

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Three winter home care tips

By Kirsten Land / December 6, 2016

With cold weather already here and more on the way, you can still help protect your home from the damaging effects of winter weather. Here are three simple, inexpensive tips you can use to give your home an advantage when it goes head-to-head with Old Man Winter.

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Ask these 3 roof questions before you buy that house

By Kirsten Land / November 15, 2016

Buying a house? Do you know the key questions to ask about the roof of your new home? You may be surprised to find out what home buyers often neglect to ask.

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Let's Talk

Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.