
Spring has sprung! As Oklahomans, we all know that spring means storms. Sometimes, these storms can cause a lot of damage to our roofs. Thankfully, we know just what to do when these severe storms move in, and head straight for your roof!
Most of us have heard years ago that you need three estimates for your roof before making a decision. Before we had insurance adjusters, we had to get three estimates from three different businesses in order to prove to our insurance company that the roof really did sustain damage. Three estimates was a good rule of thumb to make an educated judgement about the condition of the roof and how much of an investment it would take to fix it.
Since the insurance companies didn’t have their own representative checking things out, the estimates served as a guide.
Even though we have insurance adjusters today, many people still want to get three estimates in order to make certain that they are getting the best bang for their buck.
While that’s a great practice in many other areas, you don’t have to get three estimates for your roof any longer, because of insurance adjusters. You pay the same deductible regardless, and the team at Land Roofing will work out the details directly with your insurance company.
The good news is that you can now work with the roofing company you feel the most comfortable with, rather than worrying about comparing prices.
Please do not hesitate to give us a call. We’ll get your roof in tip top shape in no time!

Let's Talk
Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.