
Residential Roofing

A covered roof vent is a dangerous roof vent

By Kirsten Land / September 18, 2018

Pick a house in Oklahoma and look at its roof. Chances are you will see some big round whirly bird or turbine vents. These pinwheels are not for decoration—they are actually in place on your roof to make sure your home has proper and healthy air exchange.

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The process to fix a manufacturer’s defect

By Kirsten Land / August 7, 2018

Any manufactured product has the possibility of having a defect. Think about the number of safety recalls on cars or the limited warranty that covers your kitchen appliances in case of a manufacturer’s defect. The products used in roofing are no different. Sometimes, defects happen.

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What happens if a contractor gets hurt at your house?

By Kirsten Land / July 7, 2018

Roofing is an industry that involves some risk of injury, whether that’s from falling off a ladder, getting injured when tearing off or putting on a roof, suffering a dog bite on a job, or some other injury. So what happens if a roofer (or any other contractor) gets hurt at your house?

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Do your research and ask the right questions

By Kirsten Land / June 19, 2018

Putting a new roof on your home is a significant investment. Even if your insurance company is paying for most of the cost, you’ll still likely have to pay a deductible and invest the time and effort to go through the process. Most roofs should last eight to ten years (or more), so you want to be sure it gets done right.

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Three reasons roof ventilation matters

By Kirsten Land / June 5, 2018

During the hot summer months, we see an increase in phone calls from people who say it’s unbearably hot in the second floor of their home and their air conditioner can’t keep up. When we go out and inspect their roof, the vast majority of the time we find inadequate roof ventilation.

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What to expect with a roof maintenance plan

By Kirsten Land / April 17, 2018

You may be wondering, “Why would I need a roof maintenance plan?” And that’s certainly a valid question. It’s not something that many roofing companies offer or many homeowners are familiar with. But just about everyone is familiar with car maintenance, such as regular oil changes, brake inspections, and checking fluids.

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How subcontractors add value for our clients

By Kirsten Land / March 20, 2018

In the early years of Land Roofing Enterprises, we only offered roofing services. Brian did the labor along with roofing crews we hired. However, that created a challenge in managing the day-to-day duties of the business plus overseeing roofing crews plus estimating new jobs. Many other roofing companies were using subcontractors for their labor, so…

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Roofing industry jargon and what it really means

By Kirsten Land / March 6, 2018

Every industry has its own fair share of jargon, and the roofing industry is no exception. When we work with our customers, we do our best to explain all the different terms for products or parts of the roof so that it’s easily understandable. Here’s a list of some common roofing industry jargon and what it really means.

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Who needs a roof maintenance plan?

By Kirsten Land / February 20, 2018

Oklahoma is known for its wild and unpredictable weather. From the wind sweeping down the plains to pouring rain to blazing hot sun to snow and ice, Oklahoma weather can be rough.

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Do you really understand what’s over your head?

By Kirsten Land / February 6, 2018

Let’s face it—you have a lot of expectations out of life. But you have even more expectations from your roof. You may not have thought much about it before, but a roof’s job is hard. It’s about so much more than a pretty shingle color to make your house look nice. Yes, we want our homes to look great, but your roof’s job exceeds that. It keeps you dry and warm all while protecting your largest investment—the people under it.

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Let's Talk

Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.