Topics: Residential Roofing, Roofing Advice
My neighbor got a new roof, should I too?

When it comes to your home, just because your neighbor qualifies for a new roof doesn’t mean you will. When an adjuster comes to inspect your home, they consider many factors but most importantly, the damage noticeable to your roof, siding, and surrounding structures. Here is what you need to know about what factors decide if your roof needs to be replaced.
Age and materials matter
If you’ve followed our recent blogs, you might remember that we often reference various roofing materials. Everything from metal, slate, shake, and even synthetic roofing shingles are available to the homeowner. When storms roll in, the materials used on your roof play a significant factor in how your roof will withstand the elements. Check out our blog on Impact Resistant Shingles to learn more.
The age and wear and tear on your roof will also play a prominent role in whether or not your roof will be replaced. If you notice your neighbor is getting a new roof and your inspector rejects your claim, it could be because their roofing materials were damaged before the storm. They could also have less expensive and lower quality materials on their roof, among other factors.
Hail damage
The size, shape, and speed of a hail storm can significantly impact the damage to your roof. Hail falls in many shapes and sometimes can fall with spiky edges. Because storms are so unpredictable, a neighbor down the street may have received more or less hail than you did. Don’t fret if your roof doesn’t need to be replaced yet. It just might mean that you dodged the hail storm.
Choosing the right roofer
We are proponents of inviting a roofer to join your adjuster for an inspection. Roofing experts can provide insight into damages that might be missed by an insurance adjuster and advocate on your part. The perfect time to have a free roofing inspection done on your roof is before storm season. This kind of care proves to your insurance provider you are doing your part to maintain the longevity of your home and keep your property insurable. It also allows you to have a paper trail and reference the condition of your roof before a major storm.
If you want to learn more about why your neighbor may have gotten a new roof and you did not, call us. We would be happy to look at your roof and provide information about what we find. Visit our website to learn more about our roofing process.

Let's Talk
Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.