
Home ventilation myths debunked


We’re coming up on that time of year once again when you need to protect the inside of your home from the rapidly dropping temperatures. But don’t fall victim to myths and advice that can actually hurt your home!

Myth #1: Covering roof vents in the winter is a good idea

There are advertisements that will tell you how to cover up the vents in your roof during the winter so you trap heat inside. That’s not how a healthy home operates! In fact, covering up your turbine vents and other types of vents can cause a very expensive problem.

Ventilation is in place to keep your attic dry. Proper circulation ensures that while your home is well insulated, it’s also not trapping warm, moist air inside. If you stop that circulation by covering your vents, warm, moist air can cause mold to grow in the darkness of your attic.

Mold in the home affects allergy and asthma sufferers, those on oxygen, and can lead to serious illness even if you don’t have a preexisting condition. Signs of excess moisture include condensation, standing water, rust on metal, and any visible growth.

Myth #2: You don’t need much ventilation

The general rule of thumb is one square foot of ventilation for every 300 feet of enclosed attic space. And for soffit vents, some professionals suggest twice as much ventilation.

One issue that comes up often is builders not allowing enough space on the roof for proper ventilation. The good news is that there are several options for fixing that issue.

Different areas of your roof can have different types of vents installed. Soffit vents can be under the edge of your roof and turbine vents on top.

Myth #3: Traditional vents are the only option

Traditional vents are not your only option. Solar-powered ventilation has made a strong move into the market.

Solar ventilation is more efficient and a cleaner use of space and energy than traditional vents. If the vents in your attic are powered by the sun instead of the electricity soupy for, they will keep your attic properly ventilated while also lowering your heat and AC costs.


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