
Do you really understand what’s over your head?


Let’s face it—you have a lot of expectations out of life. But you have even more expectations from your roof.

You may not have thought much about it before, but a roof’s job is hard. It’s about so much more than a pretty shingle color to make your house look nice. Yes, we want our homes to look great, but your roof’s job exceeds that. It keeps you dry and warm all while protecting your largest investment—the people under it.

Since most homeowners are not professional roofers, they may not really know what’s over their heads. Hint: it’s much more than just shingles! A roof and a roofing system are significantly different, as we discussed in last month’s blog. A roofing system has many layers, each designed with a specific purpose to aid in a long-lasting roof.

Why the process matters

Each roofing manufacturer creates a roofing system, which includes materials specifically designed to work together. The manufacturer has high expectations for their product. To ensure their product is efficient and lasts, the system must be installed properly.

The manufacturer offers trainings and literature to contractors who will be installing their roofing system. After a contractor has completed the certification, the manufacturer offers a warranty on the roofs that the contractor installs. This process ensures that you as a homeowner are receiving the best materials possible, constructed in the most efficient manner possible, with a lifetime warranty just in case it’s needed.

That is what I call protecting your assets!

Make sure you’re protected

When your home needs a new roof, how do you decide who will install the roof? Do you call a couple of friends and head to Lowe’s or Home Depot? That sounds dangerous. Do you call an on-the-side roofing crew a friend recommended? Hopefully not. Although your friends are great, they are not certified.

Choosing a roofing company that offers certified contractors ensures that they know how to apply each individual layer of the roofing system properly. Each layer—and each system—has different application methods, and if it’s not done right, it could void the warranty. Even worse, an improperly installed roof could put you at risk. Make sure you protect your greatest investment by choosing a certified contractor to install your roof.


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Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.