
How to choose a roofer


Checking the yellow pages under “Roofing” really isn’t the best strategy for choosing a reputable roofer for your home. With the advent of the internet, any responsible home owner should do their research before signing a contract with a roofer. It’s your job to ensure the company you hire is reputable and capable of getting your roof done right the first time.

When shopping for a roofer, start by asking friends and neighbors for reputable references. You can also do some simple internet searches and check online reviews of roofers in your area. Your goal is to identify 3 to 5 roofers to conduct research on.

Step 1 – Do your research

These four steps should help you narrow down you search to 2-3 companies.

Step 2 – Ask for proof of the following:

  • Business License
  • Roofing credentials
  • Workers compensation insurance
  • General liability insurance for at least $1 million
  • Written manufacturer warranties

Step 3 – Get an estimate

  • Ask if there’s a charge for an estimate (there shouldn’t be)
  • Unscrupulous repair companies may use a teaspoon, small rocks or hammers to fabricate damage. Don’t allow someone on your roof without keeping a close on them at all times.
  • Iron out all the details of installation
    • What is the exact roofing process from tear off to completion?
    • What brands of materials will be used and what does the warranty cover?
    • What’s the timeline?
    • Do they warranty their work?
    • How will bushes and plants be protected?
    • How will trash b disposed and nails cleaned up? Where will dumpsters be placed?
    • Never work with a roofer who asks you to pay for entire job upfront. A deposit of one-third is standard procedure. Never pay with cash.

Step 4 – Request local references and ask them the following questions:

  • Would you use this roofer again?
  • Did the roof leak? If so, did the roofer respond promptly, was he courteous and did he charge you for any additional work?
  • Did the job come in on budget? If not, by how much did he exceed budget? Were the extra charges justified?
  • Did the roofer damage any bushes or flowers, and did he leave nails in the driveway?

After you feel confident you’re made the right decision, request a formal contract and make sure everything you discussed during the estimate is in writing.

If you have any questions about how to choose a reputable roofer, we’re happy to guide you through the process – even if you don’t choose us. Give us a call at 405-395-3951.


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