Topics: Insurance, Roofing Advice
Why should I have a Roofer meet with my Insurance Adjuster?

This is a common question and a concern for some. No need for concern, having an adjuster meet with you roofer is similar to having an advocate. An advocate offers support and works on your behalf to make sure you receive the appropriate results. This is what a qualified roofer can do for the home owner in the event of storm damage to their roof.
After the roofer has found damage that warrants the need to file a claim, having a roofer you trust to meet with your insurance adjuster is a great idea. The roofer will work with your insurance company to show their adjuster every area of damage affected by the storm including items that might be overlooked such as gutters, ridge caps, air conditioning coils and window screens. After all, roofing is a roofer’s expertise but an adjuster may not have much experience with a roof so it is helpful for the two to discuss the damage to ensure nothing is left unaccounted for. In addition, your roofer can give the adjuster measurements for the roof and any additional buildings on your property. This makes the adjusters visit to your home more efficient and may mean a quicker response to your claim.
Think you have storm damage? Give us a call @ 359-3951, we offer free roof inspections and over 25 years of experience working with insurance adjusters for our customers!

Let's Talk
Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.