
Kirsten Land

The benefits of proper roof ventilation

By Kirsten Land / July 16, 2024

Proper roof ventilation is crucial for maintaining the integrity and longevity of your home’s roof. At Land Enterprises Roofing, we understand the significant impact that ventilation has on energy efficiency, mold prevention, and the durability of roofing materials. Here’s why investing in good ventilation is essential:

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Your single point of contact in storm damage repair

By Kirsten Land / July 2, 2024

Oklahoma has experienced a particularly severe weather season these past few months, with numerous storms causing significant damage to homes and businesses across the state. From high winds to hail and torrential rain, the impact has been widespread and challenging. For those affected, dealing with the aftermath can be overwhelming. This is where Land Enterprises Roofing steps in, providing a seamless and comprehensive approach to storm damage repair.

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Emerald Premium Warranty offers peace of mind

By Kirsten Land / June 18, 2024

When it comes to home ownership, few things are as crucial as a reliable roof over your head. It’s not just a matter of protection from Oklahoma’s severe weather; it’s about peace of mind for your long-term investment. For those who seek excellence beyond the ordinary, Land Enterprises Roofing has exciting news to share – our new certification with Malarkey Roofing and the extended warranty that comes with it.

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Explore durable, stylish metal roofing

By Kirsten Land / June 4, 2024

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve expanded our services to include metal roofing options for homeowners. This addition is another fantastic choice for those considering roof replacement or exploring durable, sustainable roofing solutions.

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Unraveling roof valleys 

By Kirsten Land / May 21, 2024

Across Oklahoma, residents are no strangers to unpredictable weather conditions. Sometimes severe, these storms put homes at risk of roof or exterior damage. Most roofs, if not all, have “valleys,” essentially where two roof lines come together. Think of it as the folding point around the ridge. A roofing valley can be a prime spot for deterioration, so it’s important to know what kind of roof valley you have. A blocked or damaged valley can lead to unwanted water pooling or other damages.

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Tech-driven roof repairs 

By Kirsten Land / May 7, 2024

Severe weather season is in full swing, and weather events like hail storms and high winds can wreak havoc on your home and personal property. At Land Enterprises Roofing, we’ve learned a thing or two about leveraging technology to better serve our clients and community. is one website we use to monitor hail activity across Oklahoma to assess potential damage and keep clients informed about the impact it can have on their homes. Let’s take a closer look at how we leverage HailTrace to enhance customer service and assist in a timely manner.

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Roof age and its impact on your insurance policy

By Kirsten Land / April 16, 2024

Most homeowners know taking care of their homes is essential, especially for expensive repairs like a roof. One crucial characteristic that is easy to overlook is the age of your roof and how that can impact the insurable value of your home. Did you know that the age of your roof can trigger policy changes? This can affect your recoverable value and replacement costs. Many homeowners are unaware of these changes and the potential implications an aging roof can have on their policy. This blog will uncover the importance of proactive communication with your insurance agent and what questions you should ask to guarantee you know what your insurance covers.

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Roof maintenance planning

By Kirsten Land / April 2, 2024

Is your roof ready for a storm? In this blog, we will explore how having a roof maintenance plan in place, especially as we gear up for a chaotic storm season across Oklahoma, can be a lifesaver when it comes to making a claim with your insurance company. We understand the challenges of maintaining a roof in Oklahoma, so we offer a program designed to keep your roof in top condition while also providing our clients with the documentation needed to make a claim. By being proactive, you can rest assured that your roof is prepared to withstand the unpredictable Oklahoma Spring.

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Insurance checkup before storm season

By Kirsten Land / March 19, 2024

Navigating insurance policies can be as tricky as predicting Oklahoma’s weather. Understanding and preparing your insurance coverage becomes paramount as we approach storm season.

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Spring cleaning for roofs

By Kirsten Land / March 5, 2024

In Oklahoma, we never know if we have entered spring or if one last cold snap is waiting around the bend. While you are waiting out the last cold snap of the season to plant your garden, there is something else you can do to ensure your home is beautiful and functional: take care of your roof maintenance!

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Let's Talk

Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.