Topics: General, Roofing Advice
Things you should ask your door-knocking contractors

Have you ever had a contractor knock on your door and try to give you a sales pitch for their services? When it comes to roofing, it should always be about quality rather than looking for the lowest price. Door-knocking contractors aren’t bad people, and there’s nothing wrong with them knocking on the door to offer services, but how do you know if you can trust them and their experience?
What to ask
In order to know if you can trust these contractors, ask them questions. Asking questions will reveal their knowledge, experience, and expertise before letting them walk on your roof. Here are a few questions you can ask before making a decision:
- How many roofs have you worked on?
- Are you a licensed contractor?
- Are you local?
- Do you have references?
- How long have you been in business?
- Do you carry workman’s comp and liability insurance?
- Do you use subcontractors?
- Can I get a detailed, written estimate?
Many contractors who go door-to-door will give you a sales pitch, whether it’s offering a great deal, a lower price, or pointing out potential damage before even inspecting. You have to be aware and ask the right questions to ensure you don’t get scammed.
What to avoid
Occasionally, you’ll get a red flag—maybe even many red flags. Obvious red flags are:
- No insurance
- No references or proof of work
- Inexperienced
- Unwilling to offer a detailed, written estimate
A big red flag—based on my experience in the industry—is when they try to offer you the lowest price, anything they can do to get you to hire them. Price is not the only thing that matters; quality is the most important aspect of roofing. You want your roof to last!
We typically recommend using a local roofing contractor. The reason why is because people who are local are more familiar with specific codes, have references, and have a reputation to uphold. Another benefit is that local roofers will be able to honor their warranties.
At the end of the day, use the information they gave you, along with their personality and how they present themselves, to decide whether you should hire them or not. If you have a bad feeling or are uncomfortable, kindly thank them and tell them no. Hire someone you know you can trust.

Let's Talk
Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.