
It’s that time of year, and the holiday season is upon us. If you haven’t already, now is the time to hang the lights, blow up the snowmen, and really show your neighbors who has the most holiday spirit! But before you get started, here are a few things to remember.
1. Measure what you need
If you are in a new home or are planning different decorations than previous years, you will want to get out a tape measure and make sure you have what is necessary to fill the space. Look at where the lights will be hung and ask yourself what kind of clips would be best.
Maybe you want to wrap a tree or bush in lights this year. A rule of thumb is 100 lights for every foot and a half of tree. So a six-foot-tall tree would need 400 lights on the strand. You could also invest in net lights for the bushes and shrubs and just drape the lights over the top.
2. Get the right color
Not all lights look the same. White LED bulbs tend to shine blue while white incandescent bulbs look more yellow. Match what you already have if you need to buy more. You can also mix the color of lights you’re hanging. For example, all the gutter lights on your home could be white icicle lights while all the trees or bushes are multicolored.
3. Safety
This is probably the most important tip. Stay safe!
- Follow proper safety precautions when using a ladder.
- When using lights outdoors, only use lights rated for outdoor use. It should be clearly marked on the packaging.
- Aways use UL-approved extension cords for outdoor use. Never use any lights or cordage with fraying or exposed wires.
- Turn off your lights during the day and when you’re out of town.
When putting your design together, go into it with a plan. Start at a focal point, like the front door or the walkway leading to it, and spread out evenly from there. Don’t forget to have fun with it!
If you notice any potential issues on your roof while you are decorating, give us a call at 405-359-3951 or send an email to for a free inspection or estimate.

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