
Summer is rapidly drawing to a close, which means it’s a good time to make sure you’ve completed your summer home maintenance tasks. Before we know it, fall will be here, which means cooler temperatures but shorter days. Take advantage of the extra sunlight now to complete these tasks.
Inspect and touch up exterior paint
Check any painted wood or siding on your home for chipping, peeling, or flaking. The typically dry weather makes it a good time to paint, although be sure to check the paint label for any restrictions on temperature or sun exposure during application. A fresh coat of paint can improve curb appeal and protect your home from weather exposure.
Wash your windows
As temperatures cool off in fall, you may want to open your windows to let in some sunlight and some air. You’ll enjoy that fresh air and sunlight even more with clean windows. Be sure to wash your window screens, too. After all, what good are clean windows if you’re still looking through a dirty screen?
Seal window and door drafts
A broken or missing seal around windows or doors lets summer heat and winter cold in your home, which means you’re paying more than you should for energy. Grab some caulk or weather stripping and increase the energy efficiency of your home.
Clean your dryer vent
It’s amazing the amount of lint that can get clogged in a dryer vent, but most people rarely clean them. A clogged dryer vent can increase drying time, increase the humidity in your home, and increase your risk of a house fire.
Check your roof for damage and clean any debris
As temperatures cool down, animals begin to seek shelter anywhere they can find it. And if the soffits or other areas of your roof are damaged, those critters are going to find their way into your attic. Check your roof for any damaged areas and clean any debris, or call us to ask about your roof maintenance plan so we can check it for you.
Enjoy the final days of summer!

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Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.