
Don’t sweat it: simple summer prep for your home


As spring turns into summer, now’s the perfect time to do a few simple chores that will prepare your home and yard for warmer weather and spending time with friends and family.


With summer parties, barbecues, and kids running around, your yard will see a lot of foot traffic. Treat it right, and it will treat you, your family, and friends right.

First, start by removing thatch (decaying plant material that accumulates on your lawn). Feed it with fertilizer and water it (a weekly deep irrigation is typically best). Mow it frequently in the spring—that can help make the roots stronger.

Pool and trampoline

Have a pool? Clean it and treat it for the swim season. And if you have a trampoline, be sure to tie it down as a precaution for high-wind storms.

A friend of mine did not secure their trampoline, and when a spring storm hit, the trampoline took off like a kite. It ended up halfway through their neighbor’s roof. Yikes!

Fence and furniture

Repair any wobbly posts or broken slats on your fence. Also, wash the winter grime off your lawn and patio furniture.


Remove any leaves, sticks, and debris that have accumulated and possibly blocked your gutters. Trim back tree limbs that have grown close to the roof. That way, they won’t rub on your roof and damage shingles or gutters, or provide a pathway for critters to get on your roof (and possibly into your home!).

Time to play!

A little time preparing can make your home and yard places where you can play and relax all season long. And if you happen to need someone to help you with cleaning out the gutters and trimming back tree limbs, give us a call. Because we want you to have a terrific, relaxing summer!


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