
Fortify your roof and home against severe weather


We frequently get called out to repair or replace roofs that were damaged after severe storms. High winds and hail—those are two things you never want to see in a forecast.

But, weather happens.

What can you do to protect your home from potentially damaging storms? One way is to fortify your roof and your home. Here’s what that looks like.

The FORTIFIED Home™ Program

Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That’s certainly true when it comes to protecting your home.

And that’s the philosophy behind the creation of the FORTIFIED Home™ program by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS).

FORTIFIED Home™ construction standards and techniques can help make your home more resistant to damage from a variety of severe weather conditions—everything from hurricanes and tropical storms to hailstorms, high winds, and wind-driven rain associated with thunderstorms.

Those last three sound pretty familiar around here, right?

Three Levels of Protection

There are three levels of FORTIFIED Home™ designations available—Bronze, Silver, and Gold.


The FORTIFIED Home™ Bronze level addresses the roof system. Upgrades reduce wind and water entering the attic through the roof covering and vents.


In addition to the roof system addressed in the Bronze level, the FORTIFIED Home™ Silver level addresses windows, doors, and attached structures.


After the roof, openings (windows and doors), and attached structures have been addressed, the FORTIFIED Home™ Gold level ties the house together by connecting the roof to the walls to the floors to the foundation, so your fortified home acts as one system in a storm.

What would it take to fortify your home?

Land Roofing is certified in the FORTIFIED Home™ program. We have built and installed fortified roofs for customers and for Habitat for Humanity.

If you’d like to set up a free consultation to find out more about the FORTIFIED Home™ program (especially your roof’s level of severe weather protection), give us a call at (405-359-3951).


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