
Have you ever considered going off grid? If you’re like many others, the idea of disconnecting from the utility company appeals from you. But you may be concerned because it’s a huge step.
Believe it or not, you can actually go off the grid incrementally. Here are three small ways you can dip your toes in before fully committing.
1. Rain Barrels
First, purchase rain barrels. These rain barrels collect rain water due to the placement under the gutters. You can hook your hose up to these rain barrels which will cut down the dependence on city water, or even cut the dependence out completely depending on how much water you have stored.
Rain barrels may not sound appealing due to their lack of cosmetic appeal, but think again! We’ve installed rain barrels that blend in with the home.
2. Solar Panels
Second, try out solar panels. Rather than trying to power your entire home with them, start out by powering something small.
Try a solar powered cell phone charge, or even a more general solar powered USB charger. Or, if you enjoy building things, there are all sorts of do-it-yourself projects online to inspire you, including some projects with instructions.
3. Bat House
Finally, an unusual option is to get a a bat house. It’s basically a small box with a hole in it that is hung in your tree. Bats help cut down on mosquitos, and this is a great way to avoid using chemicals for pest control.
While a true off-grid house can operate without traditional utility services, these small ways can make the transition easier. And if you find out it’s not for you, you haven’t invested too much.

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