
If you’re building your home or replacing your roof decking, there’s a new product that you absolutely must know about. It can cut your electric bills big time, and may be a good fit for your house.
Solarboard is a radiant solar sheathing product for roofs and exterior walls.
Benefits of Solarboard
- Reduces radiant heat transfer through the roof by 97%.
- Reduces attic temperatures by up to 30ºF.
- Increases the efficiency of attic ductwork.
- Prolongs life of heating/air conditioning system.
- Increases comfort level significantly.
- Reduces cooling costs.
- Helps hold heat in your home during winter.
- Requires no maintenance. Does not deteriorate over time.
- As solar heat increases, as does Solarbord’s effectiveness.
- Pays for itself quickly and savings will be repeated year after year.
Solarboard is a combination of two products: heat reflective foil laminated to OSB. The sheet is laid on top of the roofing beams before the decking and shingles are laid down.
Most roofs are a dark color, which doesn’t reflect the light. It absorbs light and heat, making the attic extremely hot, which then raises the temperature of the home.
Solarbord is an excellent investment because homes that conserve energy are a whole lot more attractive to homebuyers. The small additional cost is well worth it.
And because Solarboard is made in the USA and backed by a 25-year warranty, you’ll have total confidence in its quality and durability.
So, if you’re looking at replacing the decking of your home or building a new home, it’s an obvious investment and will lower your energy costs by a significant amount.
If you’d like more information or a quote, please call us at 405-359-3951.

Let's Talk
Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.