
Kirsten Land

3 pitfalls to avoid when hail damages your roof

By Kirsten Land / June 7, 2016

This spring, hail has caused billions of dollars of damage across the United States. Storms have pummeled cities from from Oklahoma to Maryland. Was your roof damaged?
If it wasn’t, we’re happy for your good fortune. Chances are, however, if you live in the Plains states, you’ll face hail damage to your home at some point.

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Be careful when you DIY!

By Kirsten Land / May 17, 2016

Lots of people love to be handy around the house. It gives you a sense of satisfaction and can save you money in the short term. But if it’s something that’s dangerous or requires special training, consider doing a risk analysis before attempting it. Imagine this…

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Who pays for your roof damage?

By Kirsten Land / May 3, 2016

Imagine this: You switch carriers for your home insurance in May. In June, several of your neighbors are hiring roofers to repair spring storm damage, so you decide to do the same. But once your roof’s been inspected by a roofer, you realize there’s significant damage that happened while you were covered by your previous insurance agency. Your new insurance carrier won’t pay for that damage!

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Need an emergency roofer?

By Kirsten Land / April 19, 2016

We know that when spring storms hit, your family’s safety is your first priority—and it should be! After the storm, though, you’ll take stock of any damage. Any downed tree limbs? Was your car protected from hail damage?

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Storm Preparedness

By Kirsten Land / April 5, 2016

With warmer (and wetter!) spring weather, we all know to expect a bit of the unexpected as well. Are you ready for this spring’s storms? We want your family to be safe this spring, so here’s a quick checklist you can use to make sure you’re prepared.

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3 steps to hassle-free roof repair

By Kirsten Land / March 15, 2016

When a hail storm strikes the area, one of two things happens: you need an immediate repair or replacement of your roof or you have minor damage that will build up over time and eventually need to be repaired. Assuming you fall into the second category, chances are you’re not looking forward to filing that insurance claim right away.

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Spring roof maintenance

By Kirsten Land / March 1, 2016

Spring is right around the corner! You may have a binder full of spring cleaning ideas and DIY projects you’re itching to start, or maybe you just can’t wait to sit out on your porch with some tea and relax. Either way, your roof maintenance might not be top-of-mind.

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Certified roofers

By Kirsten Land / February 16, 2016

Choosing a reputable roofer can seem like a daunting task. There are so many roofers, and especially after a severe weather event, you’re likely to see signs all over town advertising different companies who are doing work even in your own neighborhood.

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Don’t let your roof delay your home sale

By Kirsten Land / February 2, 2016

When you decide to sell your home, many things are likely to cross your mind, the least of which is your roof. Let’s face it, it’s not like you see it very often. It’s easy for it to slip your mind when you’re ready to sell your home.

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Meet the crew at Land Roofing

By Kirsten Land / January 19, 2016

Do you have questions about your roof and want someone you can actually talk to? At Land Enterprises Roofing, we pride ourselves on excellent customer service! Our customers aren’t just people who need us to work on their roofs. Realtors, insurance agents, and property managers are also our customers. Part of excellent customer service is…

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Let's Talk

Get in touch to get started on your roof today. We are happy to answer any of your questions. Feel free to schedule your free roof inspection as well.