
Advocating for homeowners with manufacturer defects

Land employee taking photos of a roof

When it comes to roofing, the quality of materials used is just as important as the expertise of the installation. However, even the best materials can sometimes have defects that cause significant issues down the road. At Land Enterprises Roofing, we understand how frustrating this can be, and we are committed to advocating for our homeowners when manufacturer defects arise.

Understanding manufacturer defects

A manufacturer defect in roofing materials can manifest in several ways, including blistering shingles, excessive loss of granules, or even more severe issues like melting shingles or tar dripping. These defects are not the result of improper installation but are inherent flaws in the materials themselves. Unfortunately, these defects can lead to costly repairs or even a complete roof replacement if not addressed promptly.

How we advocate for our homeowners

  • Identifying the Problem: When a homeowner contacts us about a potential issue, our first step is to conduct a thorough inspection of the roof. We document the problem with detailed photographs and samples, which we then use to support our case with the manufacturer.
  • Communicating with the Manufacturer: Once we’ve gathered all the necessary evidence, we reach out to the manufacturer on behalf of the homeowner. Thanks to our strong relationships with manufacturer representatives, we can often expedite the process and ensure that the issue is taken seriously. We present the evidence, including photos, samples, and any other relevant information, to make the case that the defect is covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.
  • Fighting for a Full Resolution: In some cases, manufacturers may only offer a partial settlement or try to deflect blame onto the installer. We don’t stop at the first offer. We continue to advocate for our homeowners until we reach a fair resolution, whether that means getting the manufacturer to cover the full cost of repairs or replacement or ensuring they honor their warranty to the fullest extent.

Why advocacy matters

Manufacturer defects can be a significant headache for homeowners, but they shouldn’t have to deal with these issues alone. At Land Enterprises Roofing, we believe in building long-term relationships with our customers by standing by them, even when challenges arise. Our commitment to advocating for our homeowners is just one way we go above and beyond to ensure their peace of mind.

Protecting your home proactively

Beyond dealing with defects as they occur, we also take proactive steps to prevent these issues from arising in the first place. This includes using only the best materials, adhering to manufacturer guidelines, and registering warranties for every roof we install. By doing so, we not only protect our homeowners but also ensure that they have a solid foundation of trust in our services.

If you’re facing a manufacturer defect or want to ensure your roof is protected, Land Enterprises Roofing is here to help. We’re committed to advocating for you and ensuring your home is safe, secure, and covered by the best warranties available.


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